Where squirrels run at large! 

Welcome to 
Hey there, 
   I'm Shan, a mom, wife, adhd advacate, online business owner and a few other things all rolled into this God loving, sweary, funny, emotional, people pleasing, spontanious, often forgetful, 40 something ADHD woman. I've spent the last 22 yrs raising my 3 babies, who are all ADHD with my ADHD husband of 24 yrs on our acreage near a small town of roughly 200 people, in West Central Saskatchewan.
    Welcome to our corner of the world, where I share our story of living life in an ALL ADHD house, smack dab in the middle of a Neurotypical world. The mental health issues that live side by side with ADHD that no one wants to talk about. The heart aches, and the triumphs that we have encountered along the way. I'll share some life hacks I've learned along the way and a whole lot of encouragement for those tough days. Oh... and a few swears, ok so probably more than a few, as they tend to fall out of my mouth more often than not, but I'll try my best to keep them to a minimum.😉
Welcome to the place where ADHD is the Norm!

A Place where ADHD is the 'Norm'

Where life is one BIG Juggling Act....
with balls flying so high they touch the sky and falling so low they touch the flames below... 

How I get to be a stay at home mom again...

I always wanted to be that stay at home mom, and for alot of years I was able to do so, but as our kids got older, our expenses got higher and off to work I went. That was beyond CHALLENGING for me and my entirely family, Life took a not so great turn when I went to work outside the home, as I had been a stay at home mom for years with the kids. So I needed to find something that would allow me to be at home and still make money. I spent alot of time and money trying different things online by myself but a squirrel would always jump out of no where and I would move onto the next thing.
Until I found this man on Tiktok one day, while 'attempting' to clean the kitchen cupboards... I was scrolling Tiktok looking for some much needed motivation, ya know, before I started doing the cupbaords 😒 *** The cupboards did NOT get done that day, but I did start my affilaite marketing training, so I'm calling it a win 😉
 His name is Lou, and he is an affiliate Marketing coach who actually does 1on1 coaching and for someone with adhd, like me, that was EXACTLY what I needed. He taught me everything I needed to know about affiliate marketing. I could reach out to him whenever I got stuck, and he was always there to chase to squirrels away and point me in the right direction. So that I could learn the skills needed to be at home doing what I love, being a mom, wife and an adhd advacate, all while still making money to help support our family. Now I am an online affiliate marketer, making WAY more money than I was before and I have time for the things I love... and the laundry! 
If you wanna find out more, click the link below and check it out. 

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